Oklahoma Historic Places Database

State of Oklahoma
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Explore These Oklahoma Historic Places


Payne County

Jim Thorpe House

In 1917, Jim Thorpe bought a small home in Yale, Oklahoma and lived there until 1923 with his wife. The house was bought by the Oklahoma Historical Society in 1968 and is now listed in the Nati…


Osage County

James Bigheart

The Osage Chief grave here 1909 when the Osages came to live in Indian Ter. after the Civil War. Bigheart became chief and led in organizing the Osage nation under a written constitution. He ha…


Lincoln County

Lincoln County Courthouse

Lincoln County Courthouse. Lincoln County Veterans Memorial located on courthouse grounds.


Recently Updated Oklahoma Historic Places


Updated: 07/08/2024 15:03
LeFlore County

Trahern's Station

Here was located a stage stand of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, under acto fo congress, March 3, 1857. First mail state arrived here in September, 1958, enroute to San Francisco, Servic…


Updated: 07/08/2024 14:41
Latimer County

Edward's Store

Originally the log home of Thomas Edwards, the site became important as a stop on the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, which operated from 1858 to 1861 between Tipton, Missouri and San Francisc…


Updated: 07/08/2024 14:30
Latimer County

Holloway's Station

Holloway's Station was a stage stand on the old Butterfield Overland Mail route in Indian Territory. It was located near "The Narrows" at upper Brazil Creek in what is now Latimer County, Oklah…


Updated: 07/08/2024 14:25
Latimer County

Riddle's Station

Riddle's Station was a stage stand on the old Butterfield Overland Mail route in Indian Territory. It was located on the west side of the Forche Maline in what is now Latimer County. The statio…


Updated: 07/08/2024 14:21
Latimer County

Bernard de la Harpe 1719

This French Explorer, seeking trade with the Wichita Indians, came north from Louisiana, on August 25, 1719, he camped three miles east of Hartshorne and the next day, following Gains Creek, pa…


Updated: 03/27/2024 14:35
Oklahoma County

American Mutual Company

A pioneer of the warehouse club retail industry, AMC was established by the Homsey brothers and operated on this site from 1961 until 1987. The Homseys fought in court to give business owners t…


About The Oklahoma Historic Places Database

A work in progress ...

This database is provided to help you explore the Great State of Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Historic Places Database is an on going project started on May 19, 2005. The information provided here was entered in by volunteers who visited or did research about each location. Some historic places may not have any information yet or even be listed. though we strive for accuracy, some information could be incorrect.

The Oklahoma Historical Society provided a list of all the historic markers in Oklahoma. However at the time we started this project this list only contained the name of the marker and which county it was in. We used this list (as of February 16, 2005) to seed the Oklahoma Historic Places Database.

Multiple sources including various books, videos, podcasts, internet web sites, and museum visits provide the information used to build the Oklahoma Historic Places Database.

Update! We recently changed our attribution policy to follow something like Wikipedia's. Starting in 2022 we will be updating each entry in the historic places database to add, correct, or update any attributions and references that need to be made. Please be patient with us, this endeavor will take some time.

The text from (on) the historial markers and thier locations can be considered Public Domain. Unless otherwised noted, other information and images provided in the historic places database are under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The Exploring Oklahoma History logo and website are copyright, K. Latham. If you haven any questions about using any information from our website, please contact us at blogoklahoma@blogoklahoma.net.

Exploring Oklahoma History is a labor of love for the Great State of Oklahoma.

Labor omnia vincit

@blogoklahomaus REDBUD

  1. Oklahoma is divided up into 77 counties.
  2. The Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation designated six regional tourism areas. More information can be found at TravelOK.com.
  3. Lists are currated sets of Oklahoma Historic Places under a common topic.