Clinton Route 66 Museum To Begin Renovations

Route 66 Museum
Image credit jcorbridge on Flickr

Clinton Route 66 museum will close for renovations (via @Route66News)

The Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton, Oklahoma will be closing for renovations starting January 1st through at least April 15th. The main exhibit hall will be closed, but the lobby, gift shop, and a special exhibition area will still be available to the public during the renovations. So if you're going to be in the Clinton area during the first quarter of 2012, its still worth a stop to visit the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum.

"The Oklahoma Route 66 Museum will be renovating our exhibit galleries, beginning January 1, 2012. Unfortunately, the galleries will have to be shut down to accomplish this feat; however, the gift shop and the lobby area/Wow! room will be open during normal operating hours. There will also be a special exhibit in the Wow! room that will be free to the public for viewing during normal operationg hours as well. The museum has set a tentative re-opening date for April 15, 2011 - we will post the details about our grand RE-opening as they are readily available...."
From museum web site (
