Old Greer County

It took some real Google-fu , but I finally found a map that shows the Old Greer County area in Texas. Now you might be wondering, "Texas!? Isn't this site about Oklahoma?" Well the reason is simple, sort of. You see at one time the entire southwest corner of present day Oklahoma was claimed by Texas.

Texas, New Mexico, and Indian Territory 1872 (source)

Here's a very brief description on the Old Greer County marker in front of the Harmon County courthouse:

S. and W. of North Fork of Red R. Greer Co. was named and governed as part of Texas from 1806 until 1896 when U.S. Supreme Crt. decision made it part of Oklahoma Ter. This county area was claimed by 14 different governments from 1669 to Oklahoma statehood in 1907; since then it has been divided into 3 counties and the south part of Beckham County.
BlogOklahoma.us: Old Greer County

If you're interested in learning more about the history of Greer County, Texas, please check out all the Old Greer County posts over at our Tumblr blog.

In doing this research I found some really interesting maps at the University of Alabama's Historical map archives. I'll make sure to have this resource bookmarked on our Oklahoma Maps page. I know it will come in handy again sometime.
