Ice Storm 2010 - Marlow, Oklahoma

Oklahoma had a terrible ice storm on Jan. 28, 2010, Marlow was not spare from it wrath. I woke up about 11 am to strong wind, rain, low temperature , and the popping and crashing of limbs all around mine and mom's house. It was kind of scary for a while. Sounded like a war outside. During the afternoon I would go outside and take pictures of the trees. The rain stopped later and the wind stoppe blowing,and it started to snow, and the trees kept crashing taking more and more power lines down. The electricity went off about 1 pm. Our house has a gas heater and cook stove, so we had heat. We dug out the oil lamps and candles.

The next day we woke to more ice every where, ice sickles were hanging on the wire lines. I took more pictures of the other yards around us. Our neighbors shared lamp oil with us. They would check on us all the time. As our freezers would start thawing we would sent the meat for them to us, there were usually 10 people at their house for 3 meals everyday. We all started to put things to stay cold on the back porches, nothing like mother nature's on ice box

After 5 days Terry, my son, brought us a generator from Oklahoma City. Our neighbors came over and would get us gas and oil and would start the generator. We are blessed with good neighbors. Nearly all the houses on our one block had a generator, you could hear the generators running all over town.

The power was off to most of the town for 12 days. The transmission lines into Marlow were down. The power station was damaged when the power lines and pole snapped and that delayed the power coming back on, while they waited for a part.

The First Baptist Church receive 2 generators and set up a shelter and food for the people of Marlow , the shelter was also set up in Duncan. Food was donated by people from Marlow and was prepared by church ladies, and Red Cross, they kept the people fed at shelter, police, fire station and all the power company they came to help with getting the power on. A big thank you to all of them for all there help.

Water plant was kept going with 2 generators. We just had to limit our water usage.

Marlow has a new Code Red system that had been implemented just this last fall was put into service, we were call once or twice a day keep us update on what was going on. They even had people come by each house and handed out sheets telling about power, water, school and shelter.

Tree services came into town and cut down trees on property that want to hire them. After the storm was over our neighbors came over and cut the limbs off out tree and trimmed it up. Marlow was one of the worse hit in Stephens county. It will take a while before all the limbs will be picked up, and those they could hauled off a site was set for the limbs to be unloaded. Plans are to dig big pits and burn them all. That's going to be one big bonfire.

We all made it threw and survived the once in alive time Ice Storm. Our family kept track of us by phone, they all made sure we had everything we needed.

These pictures were just taken on my block, you could only image what the rest of town was like.

Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm Marlow Ice storm