Oklahoma Historical Society's Student Art Contest
The Oklahoma Historical Society is having their annual student art contest.
For more information visit ww.okhistory.org/kids/contests.htmlOklahoma students grades 1st - 6th are invited to participate in the Oklahoma Historical Society's annual student art contest. This year's theme is "Oklahoma Symbols." Oklahoma has many unique and interesting state symbols that reflect the history and culture of our great state. A list of symbols is available on the OHS website at www.okhistory.org/kids/symbols.html.
Entry forms and details are available on the OHS Kids! section of the Oklahoma Historical Society website at www.okhistory.org/kids. The contest runs September 1 to October 30, 2009. Contest categories are grades 1st - 3rd and 4th - 6th. First, second and third place prizes will be awarded in each category.