Oklahoma, Go Blog Something Day!

We want to encourage you to go blog something. So an event has been setup for Wednesday, September 9th, it's "Oklahoma, Go Blog Something Day!" Here's news on it from our sister blog, Blog Oklahoma:
Every week when I visit many of the member blogs for the podcast I notice some people posted daily, some weekly, some monthly, and others well I think they might have forgotten they have a blog. In this era of Twitter, Facebook, and other like services, many of us forget to post in the long form.

So this got me asking myself if I can do something to get you to blog. The answer I got back was probably not, but I'm going to try anyway. So I'm suggesting to the Oklahoma blogging community to declare Wednesday, September 9, 2009 as "Oklahoma, Go Blog Something Day!

There are no suggested topics. No events to promote. No propaganda to spread. In fact there is no reason what so ever for this day other than the fact to get you to post something to your blog.

Okay I will suggest one thing, post something longer than 140 characters. This is your opportunity to reestablish yourself in paragraph form.

Tell your friends, post to Twitter, Facebook, or where ever you’ve been hanging out. Encourage your fellow Oklahomans to go blog something on Wednesday, September 9, 2009.
Blog Oklahoma: Oklahoma, Go Blog Something Day!
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