Looking for Doan's Crossing

Back in our Expedition to the Red we went looking for the Doan's Crossing marker, and could not find it. Recently in doing some research I may have found a lead to it in the Chronicles of Oklahoma.
Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 38 (1960) Pages 211-212: In Jackson County, southeast of Hess (1 mile east 4 miles south and 1/4 mile east) on section line road, south side of Sec. 36, T. 1 S., R. 20 W. Because of flood plain on Red River, this marker was placed here on high ground about 3 1/2 miles north and west of the actual crossing on the river.
I used Google Maps to try and pinpoint where this could be.

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The directions are from Elk City to Southeast of Hess. It's going to be a while before I can get down there, but I though I'd ask the community is this where the Doan's Crossing marker is?

(I've also started a discussion for this in our Facebook Group.)