Spring is here... almost.

TulipSpring is here according to the calendar, but the weather people are saying there's going to be a blizzard this weekend. Oh joy.

Just hopping on here to let everyone know we're gearing up for more BlogOklahoma.us fun. When the weather gets better, we'll be heading out to gather more markers for the database.

I'm working on a few Blog Oklahoma related projects right now, and will get back to BlogOklahoma.us when done. I have some great ideas for improving the site here.

If you haven't been following Carleta's blog, her chemo has been going very well. She's very much looking forward to getting back to BlogOklahoma.us. I thank everyone who's been keeping her in your prayers. She's been in mine everyday.

I hope to see all of you on our new Facebook group. I'm sure you have lots you'd like to talk about.

Also feel free to follow @blogoklahomaus at Twitter to get the latest from the site. And don't be shy, go ahead and follow me, @programwitch, or Carleta, @carleta, there too.

Oh and one more thing for any of you Western Oklahomans out there. Some friends and I relaunched West OK Journal yesterday. It's a community setup just for us West Okies. So please feel free to join us.

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