Sill Wood Camps
Article in Marlow Review 12-25-2008, Time Traveling with the Chamber.... by Debbe Ridley
The Marlow Magnet
T. D. Jones, Publisher
Marlow, Ind. Ter.
Dec. 26, 1893.
Sill Wood Camps
The camp lays five miles southwest of Marlow on the Little Beaver in the Comanche Territory. We are employed cutting wood for the troops at Sill. It takes from 1800 to 2600 cord per year. Here are the prices we have to pay for commissaries at Sill: Flour $3 per hundred, Potatoes $1.50 per bushel, Eggs 25 cts. Per doz., Butter 30 cts. Per pound, Chicken and Turkey no sale, Corn 85 cts. per bushels, Oats 50 cts, well as this is my first I will close