Preview 'America at a Crossroads'

Attend a preview of the PBS series America at a Crossroads, followed by panel discussion on how communities recover after terrorism. On Thursday, February 15, 2007, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum, 620 N. Harvey Ave, corner of NW 5th St.

The panel includes Former Ambassador Prudence Bushnell; Bill Citty, OKC Chief of Police; Donald R. Hamilton., Exec. Dir., Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism; and Joe Hight, Managing Editor, The Oklahoman

America at a Crossroads, April 15 - April 20, 2007 on PBS
A series of independently produced documentaries that explore many facets of our lives post-9/11. The films look at the challenges that Islamic terrorism has created for the United States, in particular the impact of the "war on terror" at home, abroad and on the United States military; foreign perceptions of the United States; the growing chasm between Islam and the West; and cultural and religious currents in the Islamic world.
(event notice received via e-mail)