Made in Oklahoma
Support Oklahoma by buying Oklahoman. The Made In Oklahoma Coalition was formed to promote Oklahoma products.
You can also shop for Made In Oklahoma (MIO) products online. Just visit the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture's Made In Oklahoma site and click on their Online Shopping Mall. There you will find many products ranging from BBQ Sauce and cheese to candles and soap.
In March 2000, several Oklahoma food manufacturers began meeting to discuss ways in which they could collectively work together to increase sales of their products. The group embraced the goal of pooling resources to create a substantial marketing campaign. They realized the greater the number of Made In Oklahoma products, the greater the impact, and the greater the impact, the greater the sales. As a result the Made In Oklahoma Coalition was
You can also shop for Made In Oklahoma (MIO) products online. Just visit the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture's Made In Oklahoma site and click on their Online Shopping Mall. There you will find many products ranging from BBQ Sauce and cheese to candles and soap.