Tulsa - Where it all started.
First a really quick intro. My name is Bobby and I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I like history, photography, geocaching and of course computers. Add those hobbies all together and what do you have? BlogOklahoma.us of course.
The good folks here at BlogOklahoma.us have allowed me to participate in the project, and I hope to start adding content on Tulsa and the surrounding counties. My first contribution is where it all started here in Tulsa -
This historic location was Tulsa’s first town hall, first conference room, first church and first court of law. If you're imagining some grand historic building located in Tulsa, you'd be wrong.
Here's another good link for history in Tulsa County:
The good folks here at BlogOklahoma.us have allowed me to participate in the project, and I hope to start adding content on Tulsa and the surrounding counties. My first contribution is where it all started here in Tulsa -
This historic location was Tulsa’s first town hall, first conference room, first church and first court of law. If you're imagining some grand historic building located in Tulsa, you'd be wrong.
For centuries the Creek Council Oak Tree, Tulsa’s birthplace, has stood strong and tall. Under this tree in 1836, the Lochapoka Creek Indians kindled a ceremonial fire using live coals they had carried from their Alabama homeland over a “trail of tears.” Here they gathered to start a new life.For more information check out the updated Data for Tulsa County's Creek Council Oak Tree:
Here's another good link for history in Tulsa County: