Accidental Out-of-State Finds

Many times when we are looking for Oklahoma historical markers we'll journey across the border into our neighboring states. Sometimes its the most direct way to get to another part of Oklahoma, or we travel down a road until we cross a state line. On some of these excursions we'll find some really interesting historical markers.

While looking for the Doan's Crossing marker in the Jackson/Tillman county area we crossed the border into Texas and found their Doan's Crossing marker. Another time we traveled west out of Hollis in Harmon county to find a historical marker right on the Texas border.


Doan's Crossing on Red River (Texas)

Located on Texas Farm Road 924. East of U.S. 283. South of Oklahoma/Texas state line. (place | map)


100th Meridian Oklahoma/Texas State Line

Located 5 miles west of Hollis, Oklahoma, between the Oklahoma and Texas state line signs. South side of road in front of Oklahoma state sign. (place | map)
